Our activities

The synagogue is a key hub in Tel Aviv’s northern neighborhoods. Throughout the entire year, we hold Torah lectures, community events, chessed (charity) activity, etc., initiated and led by the members. We invite you to learn about our activity – and join in as well.

Community Activity at the Synagogue

Beyond its regular prayers held on weekdays, Shabbatot and festivals, the North Central Synagogue is currently assuming a new position as a vibrant community center. The synagogue is no “chance guest” on the street and in the neighborhood, but an integral part of the urban network and constitutes a focal point for social involvement and activity for the residents of the entire city. This momentum of renewed activity, in which the local residents play a key role - young men and women, veteran synagogue-goers, immigrant communities and people speaking a variety of languages - continues the sequence of social activity carried out by the synagogue, which began back in its earliest days, and continues in earnest today.

Each Shabbat, the synagogue holds a kiddush attended by many people - open to the broadest variety of people from the general public. The kiddush is attended by residents of all ages from across the entire city, who come for the social aspect of meeting others, for the purpose of Oneg Shabbat and of course, to have a taste of the food... On many Shabbatot throughout the year, young boys come to us to celebrate their bar-mitzvah and read from the Torah. Kindergarteners from all parts of the city also come to the synagogue for a first-hand encounter with the synagogue, the Aron Hakodesh and the Sifrei Torah, and this hands-on experience provides them with an apt opportunity to learn about prayer in the Jewish tradition. A Kollel for avrechim, Shirat Devorah, operates in the synagogue, and is an integral part of the synagogue’s dynamics. The Kollel, in which around fifty avrechim are engaged in Torah study, operates a joint study program held together with the local residents, who come to the synagogue with a view to learning more about the world of Judaism. You are more than welcome to contact us to coordinate a visit for kindergarteners or to celebrate a bar-mitzvah at the synagogue.

The synagogue members are regularly involved in leading urban-wide community initiatives. These initiatives have included: the events surrounding the Global Shabbat project held at Hangar 11 in the Tel Aviv Port, open prayers for the public on the High Holidays held at the nearby Atarim Square, joint candle lighting and meals at Chanukah, the synagogue Purim party, public megillah reading, volunteering and sending mishloach manot to Ichilov Hospital, as well as many more.
We regard these events and initiatives as an integral part of the synagogue's purpose - fulfilling the vision of an open, community synagogue located in the very heart of the city of Tel Aviv-Jaffa.
Do you have an idea for a relevant community activity initiative? We would be more than happy to hear from you.

Bar-mitzvah at the synagogue

Looking for a synagogue to celebrate a bar-mitzvah? The North Central Synagogue invites you to celebrate your son's bar-mitzvah with us. Make it a memorable occasion in an open and family atmosphere. You can have the ceremony of being called up to the Torah, the bar-mitzvah drasha (speech), kiddush and meal, as you choose - in a manner to completely suit your needs, in coordination with the synagogue and accompanied by it.
Every bar-mitzvah boy receives a unique gift on the occasion of this event. You are more than welcome to contact us for additional details and we will get back to you.
We look forward to celebrating together with you!